Blender sculpting journey #2

Dominique Hopman
2 min readDec 10, 2020


how to improve without getting better skills? This will be the focus of this article.

So how does this look? I don’t mind, just be honest. Let me answer the following question, What went wrong?

I did not use any reference material while I was sculpting. My brain does not store images that well so that I can sculpt heads. I just had to be honest with myself and focus to do some research work before I start next time. nevertheless, I had so much fun creating this head. Look at his mouth for a second and try to mimic it. You will laugh, I guarantee!
In short, use reference images to get instantly better results.

Day 2 sculpt
Day 2 sculpt

For my next sculpt I used the image below as a reference. But there is more, I did not just make a composition of images. I genially took the time to inspect the reference. It helped me to understand better how the mouth is constructed. Now I know better how the mouth is shaped, but I am still far away from being able to sculpt it properly
In short, take the time to study your reference before you start on your next masterpiece

I used PureRef to create this artboard. (some reference were not saved correctly)

Artboard as reference

Much better don’t you think? It helps a lot to just focus on a minor part of the head. Because it gives you less distraction and you have more time to spend on one spot.

Day 3, Mouth Sculpt

I hope you liked to read my short article!
there is more on my Instagram Page: DominiqueHopman




Dominique Hopman

I am from The Netherlands. I use my creative mind to make AR asset. These assets are made with a 3D software. Furthermore, I like sports, eating (a lot), Tech