Blender sculpting journey #3

Dominique Hopman
2 min readDec 18, 2020

In the last couple of days, I improved my sculpting skills in Blender so much! maybe you wonder how? I did it by sculpting on a constant basis. Almost every day I spend at least 30 minutes to craft parts of human anatomy.

Result of consistency

I achieved within 9 days of sculpting the following result.

This image contains two heads from the left and the right side. I made a render of my sculptaire in Blender
Day 9 — About facial structure

This model isn’t about looking pretty, but it is about me learning the facial structure. In order to create this, I used a lot of references from a book that I own.

This is an drawing book about the human and animal anatomy. By András Szunyoghy & György Fehér
By András Szunyoghy & György Fehér

In my other articles, I wrote a bit about using references and looking at them. Well, I couldn’t take my eyes off. I was fascinated by the human structure. the form of the bones and the layers of muscle on top was intriguing to see.

look at this little fellow that I made on my first day, what a difference!

To get better with sculpting, try to practice on a consistent basis. Don’t forget why you want to learn this skill and make sure you have fun with it. If that means a day of doodling around and just having fun that is alright.

One of my doodles

I used one image as a reference and played around with different brushes.

Day 5 — doodling

After watching a Youtube video about how to sculpt an orc. I got inspired to make something myself and for this sculpt I did not use any references. I made some mental notes and started sculpting.

day 7 — Fooling around

Here are some tips to improve your artwork.
- Use references and study them
- Know your Program
- Try different MatCaps
- Practice on a consistent basis
- Copy others, sometimes it is just a little tweak that will improve a lot
- Do not use a mouse, use a drawing tablet instead

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!



Dominique Hopman

I am from The Netherlands. I use my creative mind to make AR asset. These assets are made with a 3D software. Furthermore, I like sports, eating (a lot), Tech